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Mostly Strauss Orchestra Conductor Thomas Blomster wanted six drawings of the city of Denver that he would give to four composers as inspiration for the writing of music. I drew Denver as it appeared from my neighborhood northwest of downtown and divided the scene into six parts. Since I was drawing for musicians, I decided to draw the city as sheet music, with staffs used for buildings and roads, and music symbols for pedestrians, bicyclists cars and trucks.
When finished, I decided that it was too hard to tell that the sheet music drawing was a representation of downtown Denver, so I decided to illustrate the six sections as a visual translation. For the night of the performance Conductor Thomas Blomster actually had the Mostly Strauss Orchestra play the music as drawn. During the concert, the six "sheet music" drawings and their visual illustrations were shown on a screen above the orchestra, playing on the stage of Gove Middle School in Denver, Colorado.
Mostly Strauss Orchestra Conductor Thomas Blomster wanted six drawings of the city of Denver that he would give to four composers as inspiration for the writing of music. I drew Denver as it appeared from my neighborhood northwest of downtown and divided the scene into six parts. Since I was drawing for musicians, I decided to draw the city as sheet music, with staffs used for buildings and roads, and music symbols for pedestrians, bicyclists cars and trucks.
When finished, I decided that it was too hard to tell that the sheet music drawing was a representation of downtown Denver, so I decided to illustrate the six sections as a visual translation. For the night of the performance Conductor Thomas Blomster actually had the Mostly Strauss Orchestra play the music as drawn. During the concert, the six "sheet music" drawings and their visual illustrations were shown on a screen above the orchestra, playing on the stage of Gove Middle School in Denver, Colorado.
Suite For Cars – The Denver Song: Sheet Music
Suite For Cars – The Denver Song: Illustrated translation
Suite For Cars sheet music
Front and back covers. The musical symbols for the pedestrian, the automobile and the bicyclist are shown on the back cover.
Coors Field in illustration and in score.
Downtown Skyline illustrated and in score.
Auraria and ELitch Gardens illustrated and in score.
Play very Elitchisimo.
@0th Street Bidge over the South Platte River into the Highland neighborhood.
Valley Highway (Interstate 25) in illustration and in score.
Drawn before the warehouses were demolished and replaced with Commons Park and the RTD Union Station light rail transit hub project.
Confluence Park in illustration and score.